Why we should avoid DateTime.UtcNow inside a Linq to Entities query?

Why we should avoid DateTime.UtcNow inside a Linq to Entities query?

Because we can get unexpected results!
After read this tip, will be expected results 😉

What is the diference between these two Linq queries?

Query 1

Query 2

SQL generated

The first one will generate a SQL with WHERE clause like this: Where @p__linq__1 is the value of our filterDate variable.

The second one will generate this WHERE clause:

What is the problem?

post image

Imagine that we’re using the second query inside some sync algorithm in our C# code, this algorithm is very sensitive about time, now imagine that the server where our C# code is running has a difference about seconds or minutes with the database server?



post image

Linq to Entities is very smart and it is able to translate our DateTime.Now or DateTime.UtcNow to a matching command on database side.

The important here is: we should remember that it can do this and we should use features like these with parsimony.

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