GeneticSharp v2.0.0 - .NET Core
The GeneticSharp v2.0.0 is out with support to .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.2.
In march GenetichSharp start to support .NET Standard 2.0 in the 2.0.0-rc version. Two months have pass and in the meanwhile the community have time to test that release candidate version and now Unity3D has an official .NET Standard 2.0 profile.
So, it’s time to release the GeneticSharp v2.0.0.
Only GeneticSharp:
install-package GeneticSharp
GeneticSharp and extensions (TSP, AutoConfig, Bitmap equality, Equality equation, Equation solver, Function builder, etc):
install-package GeneticSharp.Extensions
If you’re still in a .NET Framework version lower than 4.6.2 project use the 1.2.0 version.
install-package GeneticSharp -Version 1.2.0
Breaking changes

I’ve already talk about these breaking changes on the post about the release candidate version, but I guess is good to point them again:
- The GeneticSharp NuGet package was split into two packages:
- GeneticSharp: only GeneticSharp.Domain.dll and GeneticSharp.Infrastructure.Framework.dll
- GeneticSharp.Extensions: depends on GenetiSharp.Package and add the GeneticSharp.Extensions.dll.
- SmartThreadPoolTaskExecutor does not exists anymore. You should use ParallelTaskExecutor class (not disposable).
- The projects are not signed anymore:
- In the ConsoleApp the EquationSolverSampleController was removed until the Jace library suportt .NET Core.
Let’s evolve!