Buildron SlackBotMod

Buildron is a build radiator to help software development teams to see the current status of their continous integration server and Slack is the omnipresent communication app for almost every developer in the world.

For these reasons, I made a mod called Buildron.SlackBotMod that let you interact with Buildron through the Slack.

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Currently Buildron SlackBotMod has the follow features:

Status changed notifications

Your team can be notified by Buildron about builds status changed. In the mod preferences you can choose what status you want to receive notifications (running|succes|failed).

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Filter builds

Filter buils by status or text.

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Reset filter

Reset previous builds filter (no filter).

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Sort builds

Sort buils by status, text or date.

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Move camera

Move the camera the amount of pixels define in the x,y,z coordinates.

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Reset camera

Reset the camera position.

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Take a screenshot

Take a screenshot of current Buildron state.

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If you are not using Buildron yet, give it a try. If you are already using Buildron and Slack, try my Buildron.SlackBotMod.

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