HarSharp 2.0.0. - .NET Core

The HTTP Archive (HAR) format as defined in the W3C Specification is an archival format for HTTP transactions that can be used by a web browser to export detailed performance data about web pages it loads.

HarSharp is a small and easy-to-use library to parse HAR files to .NET objects that I created some years ago for .NET Framework, today I released the version 2.0.0 with support to .NET Core / .NET Standard.

NuGet package:

install-package HarSharp

More details at: https://github.com/giacomelli/harsharp

Thanks to

I would like to thanks to André Costa and mmoreira2000 for made pull-requests for bug fixes and Olivier Beaudoin for contributing with the support to .NET Core / .NET Standard.

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