

If you already worked on a project where the data access solution has used SQL commands, instead of some ORM solution, you probably saw some SQL commands inserted directly inside the C# code. I worked on projects with that approach too, but I saw a great problem with that: We were treating a complete language (SQL) as just a string inside our C# code. No IntelliSense, code completion, syntax validation, format, etc. If

Some time ago, with that problem in mind, I created a small library to help us to use SQL commands in our project at that time. As we were using Dapper as our facilitator to access the SQL Server database, we needed to write SQL commands as our daily base activities.

That library, called SqlAsFile, helped us to write SQL commands in separated .sql files and use them inside the C# as typed string property of a static class (using T4 generator). This allowed us to write SQL with the whole help of IDE and with no chance to reference an invalid SQL file path.


  • Install the SqlAsFile on your Data project (where your .sql files will be created) using the Nuget package or using the source code from GitHub: https://github.com/giacomelli/sqlasfile.
  • Copy the SqlInfoGenerator.tt to your Data project.
  • Change the namespace of line bellow to the namespace of your Data project.
  • Add your .sql files inside any folder or subfolder of your Data project.
  • The Build Action property of the .sql files should be changed to Embedded Resource.
  • Run the SqlInfoGenerator.tt every time you add or remove .sql file from the project. You don’t need to that when you just change the content of already existing .sql file. (right click, Run Custom Tool)


Now you can access the content of your .sql files in a strongly typed way directly from your C# code:

post image


You can use some tags to tell to SqlAsFile’s parser how to treat a portion of the file:


Anything inside of these tags will be strip off of the SQL that you can access on C#.

This tag is useful when you want to test the .sql directly against the DB without need to define the arguments every time.


Use this tag if you want to read the CTE of your file in the Cte property on C#.

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