Unity 2020.2: What's new

Unity 2020.2

The Unity 2020.2 was official release on December 15, 2020 with a lot of fixes, API changes, changes, improvements and features. You can find the new features directly on the Unity manual accessing this search: newin20202. To read all items, access the complete release notes.


  • Fixes: 828
  • API Changes: 128
  • Changes: 86
  • Improvements: 261
  • Features: 66

My feature highlights

Below are the features that most caught my attention and that I believe can positively impact my development workflow.

Reorder Arrays and Lists in the Inspector

Arrays and Lists are now reorderable in the Inspector, and you can use the attribute [NonReorderable] to disable this function if you prefer

Root namespace in asmdef inspector

Root Namespace is now available as a new field in the asmdef inspector. The Root Namespace will be used to add the namespace when creating scripts in Unity and in Visual Studio and Rider.

C# 8.0 support

Supports all the newest C# 8 features and enhancements, except for default interface methods.

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You can learn more about C# 8 features in this posts.

Roslyn analyzers support

The compilation pipeline now supports Roslyn analyzers. This enables you to run C# code analyzers asynchronously in the background inside the Unity Editor without interrupting your iteration workflow. You can also run them synchronously from the command line.

Roslyn analyzers and ruleset files in Unity projects are powerful tools to help inspect your code for style, quality, and other issues. You can use existing analyzer libraries to inspect your code and write your own analyzers to promote the best practices or conventions within your organization.

Quick Search 2.0

Unity Quick Search is a handy package that enables you to search for anything in Unity. Quick Search 2.0 is now available and comes with more search tokens and the ability to provide contextual completion when typing queries. Scene searching is no longer limited to just the open Scene, but instead, it’s now possible to search through all the Scenes and Prefabs of your project at once.

Roslyn Reference Assemblies

Enables the Roslyn Reference Assemblies option by default when compiling C# scripts in the Editor, avoiding unnecessary recompiling of asmdef references. If you make changes that don’t involve code – for example, to materials, shaders or prefabs – the IL2CPP conversion from .NET assemblies to C++ will now be skipped entirely when building a player.


These were the features that brought my attention to Unity 2020.2.
What were the features that caught your attention?

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