Unity and Game Development links (July 29th 2019)

- Kristin Stock published an amazing video about SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) in Unity. (Fluid Simulation / Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Unity).
SIGGRAPH 2019 is taking place in Los Angeles, between July 28 and August 1. Unity has made a page where you can see the Unity’s presentations calendar (Unity at SIGGRAPH 2019).
- Kin is a currency for the digital world that just now caught my attention. There is an SDK for Unity. They are posing a challenge for Unity developers, the deadline is December 30, 2019 (Kin Gaming Challenge).
Kin enables the free and instant transfer of value between users, no matter how small the amount. This lets users give something more meaningful than a like, making your app even more fun and engaging.
- Lasse Jon Fuglsang Pedersen and Robert Cupisz in the making of The Heretic, a real-time short film made with Unity. (Lasse Jon Fuglsang Pedersen, Robert Cupisz - Making of The Heretic).
Sykoo made two videos, one showing his top 5 assets for Unity in 2019 (5 AWESOME ASSETS FOR UNITY 2019!) and a second one about the new Multiplayer system that Unity is working on (NEW MULTIPLAYER in Unity 2019 – Connected Games (Overview)).
Tyler Hurd presented to the world a tool that him have been working: Actuator leverages real-time physics and tracked VR devices for rigging, animating and puppeteering. (Actuator)).