Unity and Game Development links (June 10th 2019)

- Toulouse de Margerie wrote a post about how Unity natively maintains frame rates an how to make Unity follow a precise frame rate (Precise frame rates in Unity).
Normally, out of the box, a Unity project will attempt to run your project as fast as possible. Frames will be rendered as quickly as they can while generally being limited by your display device’s refresh rate.
- Jean-Christophe Cimetiere, Sr. Technical Product Manager for Mobile Plaftorms at Unity, made a forum post about the first preview of the new Project Tiny that uses C# as the programming language (Project Tiny C# Preview available).
We’ve been hard at work changing most of the underlying technology powering Project Tiny in response to your feedback, and in order to bring it closer to the Unity ecosystem. This preview is fully integrated with Unity’s Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS) and sets up a foundation for bringing advanced features for both tiny and big use cases.
Claudia L. posted about the Unity Asset Store partnership with Kochava to bring the Kochava SDK for free (Bringing the power of marketing data to indie devs).
- Jeff Campbell wrote an article covering his experience of porting an existing game system to Unity’s DOTS (Porting Existing Systems to Unity’s DOTS: JTween).
Profile early and often as a DOTS implementation develops.
- Alexey Zakharov wrote a forum post about the UnityEditor.TypeCache API available on Unity 2019.2 or later (UnityEditor.TypeCache API for fast extraction of type attributes in the Editor tooling).
For 2019.2 we optimized and extended the native cache and exposed it as a public UnityEditor.TypeCache API. It can extract information very quickly, allowing iteration over the smaller number of types we are interested in (10–100). That significantly reduces the time required to fetch types by Editor tooling.
- Harry Alisavakis started a series of tutorials about shaders called
VFX Master Shader
(My take on shaders: VFX Master Shader (Part I)).While I experimented with different VFX concepts, I noticed that I was using a bunch of common shader techniques to create new shaders again and again, and I thought to myself: “Why not have one shader to rule them all?”
Sykoo made a new video tutorial about the Terrain Tools Package preview in Unity 2019.1 (NEW TERRAIN TOOLS in Unity! (Tutorial)).
Unity published a video tutorial to show how to create a toon outiline effect using the new Scriptable Render pass feature (How to Make a Toon Outline Effect in Unity 2019 LWRP! (Tutorial).
- William Todd Stinson wrote a blog post about how to access ARKit 3 functionality with AR foundation 2.2 and Unity 2019.1 (AR Foundation support for ARKit 3).
Unity has been working closely with Apple throughout the development of ARKit 3, and we are excited to bring these new features to Unity developers.
Kristin Stock made a video showing how to create a simple build system with a circular UI (Building System and Circular UI in Unity.
- Sirawat Pitaksarit wrote a article about Unity Timeline, Playables and the undocumented new feature
(Timeline marker and everything leading up to it).New in Unity 2019.1, you can now create a duration-less object on the timeline, the marker.
- Eduardo Oriz and Alitt Khaliq made a post about the high-end asset pack
Buried Memories Vollume 2: Sereckh
(Introducing Serekh: New asset pack, Buried Memories Volume 2).The Unity Icon Collective strives to democratize high-end asset production. With Buried Memories, starting with Volume 1: Yggdrasil, we hope to inspire creators to extend their own universe but especially to guide aspiring artists and others to observe, analyze and learn from the techniques of industry veterans.