unitytips Museum

I recently started studying Blazor and last weekend I created this simple app that I called: #unitytips Museum
, a collection of best #unitytips.
You can access it directly in my site, in this url: http://diegogiacomelli.com.br/apps/unitytips-museum
The #unitytips collection
Every week all #unitytips retweeted by @unity3d will be included to the collection.
If you know a really good #unitytips (at least 50 retweets) that should be added to the collection, please follow one of options above:
- Contact me on Twitter @ogiacomelli.
- Fork it on GitHub, add the #unitytips to the wwwroot/data/tips.json file and create a pull-request.
About Blazor
Blazor can run your client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly. Because it’s real .NET running on WebAssembly, you can re-use code and libraries from server-side parts of your application.
In a future post I will discuss what I learned about Blazor while developing the #unitytips Museum, but I can give a spoiler: I really liked it!