Using localized exception messages with T4 Templates
A common scenario in many projects is to use a Resource File (.resx) to store exception/validation messages. An important and useful feature of the .resx files is that you can have one file for each culture that your application supports. For example, you can have one ErrorsMessages.resx as the default...
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6 modern C# features for cleaner Unity code
Since C# 7.0, many code improvements that help us write less code have been added to the language. This tutorial will focus on six new features that can help us write more concise and readable code and how we can use these features on our C# for Unity. I originally...
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The Fundamentals of Unity 2D colliders
In the first years of Unity, there wasn’t solid support for 2D game development inside the engine — for years, the right way to refer to it was “Unity 3D”. Though it was possible to develop 2D games with Unity, without official engine support, it wasn’t a smooth process like...
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Unity Game Growth Program: Tips & Tricks
In this post, I will list some tips and tricks that I learned while applying my game Puzzimals to the Unity Game Growth Program. Introduction Unity has recently launch the Unity Game Growth Program an accelerator program for free-to-play indie iOS/Android games made with Unity. Game Growth is a new...
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OWASP ZAP Path Traversal and ASP .NET: Notes
In this post, I wrote some notes of my experience trying to understand the alerts about the Path Traversal attack while running OWASP ZAP against an ASP .NET project. OWASP ZAP OWASP ZAP (short for Zed Attack Proxy) is an open-source web application security scanner. It is intended to be...
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Using Gulp for Chrome Extension development workflow
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a development workflow for a Chrome extension, with different configurations and manifest.json for each environment, like DEV, TEST, and PROD. Introduction A few months ago we built a Chrome Extension to a customer to allow users to capture Netflix captions and...
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Unity Distribution Portal (UDP) Journey: Tips & Tricks
In this post, I will list some tips and tricks that I learned in my journey using the Unity Distribution Portal (UDP) to publish my game Puzzimals to 4 new stores, reaching millions of new users, with a single build. Introduction Unity has recently launch to everyone the Unity Distribution...
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Drawing a Maurer Rose With Unity
In this tutorial we will learn how to draw a Maurer Rose with a LineRenderer in Unity. Introduction Recently, I was watching a video by Daniel Shiffman about Maurer Rose that inspired me to try it out at Unity. Now you must be thinking “What the hell is a Maurer...
Read "Drawing a Maurer Rose With Unity"
Google Play Games Plugin for Unity: Tips & Tricks
In this post I will list some tips and tricks that I learned while using the Google Play Games Plugin for Unity. Introduction The Unity3D has a code interface for questions regarding social features in games, these interfaces are called Social API. It provides a unified interface to different social...
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Creating dotnet new templates with samples
In this post I will show the needed steps and samples to create dotnet new templates. Introduction Recently a friend asked me about the steps I follow to create dotnet new templates, while I was describing the steps to him I realized that information could be usefull to someone else...
Read "Creating dotnet new templates wi..."