GeneticSharp in the Wild: Frixel

I started a series of posts about some outstanding scientific papers and projects using GeneticSharp. For this third post the chosen one is the Frixel: 2D framing / pixel structural optimization. Introduction Frixel is a plugin for Rhinoceros 6, a 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design (CAD) application. A finite...
Read "GeneticSharp in the Wild: ..."

Publishing WebJobs with Azure Pipelines

Azure WebJobs are a great way to execute background process. Scenario In last days I’ve created a Azure Pipelines that publish WebJobs, but in our specific case our WebJobs were not being published to /site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/Continuous/<webjobs name>, because “reasons” our root web app is using ‘/site/www’ as folder. So, you should...
Read "Publishing WebJobs with Azure Pi..."

GeneticSharp Car2D

I made an Unity3D sample for GeneticSharp inspired by amazing BoxCar2D where a genetic algorithm tries to design 2D cars to overcome roads challenges. Introduction I was always amazed by the 2D cars designed by BoxCar2D and see how genetic algorithm make new and (probably) better cars each new generation...
Read "GeneticSharp Car2D"

Porting GeneticSharp to .NET Core

The GeneticSharp v2.0.0-rc1 is out. In this version GeneticSharp starts to support .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.2. Porting to Introduction Sometime ago I started to porting GeneticSharp to .NET Core and today, after more than 40 hours of work, I finally finish it. Although GeneticSharp born as a...
Read "Porting GeneticSharp to .NET Core"

