unitytips: Social Share
Using Süleyman Yasir KULA Unity Native Share Plugin you can easily add native share to your Android/iOS games. I made the gist below that uses the plugin to add a social share component to any game object. Code You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project...
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unitytips: Dynamic Log
You can create a simple logging component to record logs from any UnityEvent and configure them directly in the editor:
You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: Dynamic Log"
unitytips: Using ScriptableObject and EditorApplication.isPlaying to refresh the game view
You can use EditorApplication.isPlaying in your custom editor to update the game view when a ScriptableObject is updated and you need to restart the scene or do something more complex to see the result of ScriptableObject changed during the game’s playing in the editor.
Read "unitytips: Using Scriptabl..."
unitytips: TimeSpan Box Drawer
You can create a PropertyDrawer to display a help box on inspector showing the time information in seconds fields using TimeSpan format strings:
You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: TimeSpan Box Dr..."
Dapper and the NVARCHAR(4000) arguments
Performing a profiler in the queries sended to the database you can see that in some cases Dapper is sending the string arguments as NVARCHAR (4000). Introduction This happen because Dapper cannot infer what is the exactly type and length of the table column on database. The downside of the...
Read "Dapper and the NVARCHAR(4000) ar..."
Can I send batch messages larger than 256 KB to Azure Service Bus?
The short answer NO! The long answer The Azure Service Bus maximum message size is 256 KB for Standard tier and 1 MB for Premium tier (https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-quotas). A simple solution to overcome this limitation is split the messages in blocks lower or equal to 256 KB size. Below is a...
Read "Can I send batch messages larger..."
Unity Toasty Notification
Last saturday I created the ToastyNotification package, a fun editor log interceptor that play Mortal Kombat’s Toasty easter-egg every time an error is logged. Setup Just install the ToastyNotification.package from the repository release page. Now every time your game raise an error on Unity’s editor console log, the Toasty Notifcation...
Read "Unity Toasty Notification"
unitytips: Scene Preview Window
I created this window that extends the Unity 3D editor so you can preview the scenes by selecting them in the project window. Usage As can be seen from the video above the extension can be used in two ways after adding the Scene Preview window to the editor (via...
Read "unitytips: Scene Preview W..."
unitytips: Hierarchy Window GameObject Icon
You can show the game objects icons in hierarchy window using EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent Code You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer The icons used in the video are Font Awesome icons and I used fa2png.io to convert them to .png. Remember that...
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unitytips: Hierarchy Window Layer Info
You can create a visual layer info to any component on your hierarchy window using EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI:
You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: Hierarchy Windo..."