HTML5 audio tag, large files and ASP .NET
Introduction If you have tried to change the current playback position (currentTime) of large audio files using the HTML5 audio tag, even using the preload attribute, you probably struggled with the fact that the audios would never play at that position but would start playing again from the beginning of...
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unitytips: Scene Selection Toolbar
Using Unity Toolbar Extender by Marijn Zwemmer’s and Ondrej Petrzilka’s you can easily add buttons side by side of play/pause/step buttons on the Unity editor toolbar. Scene Selection Toolbar I created a gist, called Scene Selection Toolbar, that uses the Unity Toolbar Extender and allows us to have a dropdown...
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unitytips: Overview of .NET in Unity
Unity Official documentation has an amazing page called Overview of .NET in Unity that highlight 8 points about the usage o .NET in Unity. I think it’s important to any pro programmer in Unity quite understand those points, because of this I list them below, in a brief way. You...
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unitytips: Sprites Collection
Sometimes we have related sprites that can be used in a prefab, like sprites for the environment, props, and scenario. Would be cool if we can easily swap them directly on the prefab without need to find and set the sprite directly in the SpriteRenderer component? SpritesCollection component I created...
Read "unitytips: Sprites Collection"
Triangle Classifier Made With Unity
These days were studying polygons and thought that would be cool build a triangle classifier to help people learn and teach about types of triangle. Types of triangle Triangles can be classified by lengths of sides and by internal angles. By lengths of sides Equilateral: all three sides have the...
Read "Triangle Classifier Made With Unity"
unitytips: ShadowCaster2DFromCollider Component
If you try to use a ShadowCaster2D in a SpriteShape the shadow produced will have a box form, no matter the form of your SpriteShape. This happens because ShadowCaster2D does not update its internal shape according to the SpriteShape's form. ShadowCaster2DFromCollider component I created this script to help to have...
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unitytips: Editor Coroutines
Recently, I was doing a small experiment trying to run an CHIP-8 emulator inside the Unity Editor inspector window and for that I needed to update from times to time the inspector. Initially I tried to use EditorApplication.update, but as it is only called when something changes in the inspector,...
Read "unitytips: Editor Coroutines"
unitytips: Focused Inspector
Starting in Unity 2020.1, you can add a dedicated inspector window for a specific GameObject, Component, or Asset. It always displays the properties of the item you opened it for, even if you select something else in the editor. To activate a Focused Inspector, select an item (GameObject, Component, or...
Read "unitytips: Focused Inspector"
unitytips: SettingsProvider
You can add a custom section to Project Settings window that allows you to configure some global settings for your project using a SettingsProvider
You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: SettingsProvider"
unitytips: HelpBox Attribute (with docs button)
You can create a PropertyAttribute to display a help box on inspector showing a few lines of information, like EditorGUI.HelpBox, but with a docs button to the documentation page.
You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
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