The HTTP Archive (HAR) format as defined in the W3C Specification is an archival format for HTTP transactions that can be used by a web browser to export detailed performance data about web pages it loads. HarSharp is a small and easy-to-use library to parse HAR files to .NET objects...
Read "HarSharp 2.0.0. - .NET Core"
In this post I will show the needed steps and samples to create dotnet new templates. Introduction Recently a friend asked me about the steps I follow to create dotnet new templates, while I was describing the steps to him I realized that information could be usefull to someone else...
Read "Creating dotnet new templates wi..."
Since C# 6.0 you can use String interpolation to make code more readable: The sample lines will result in the same string The $ special character identifies a string literal as an interpolated string. String interpolation provides a more readable and convenient syntax to create formatted strings than a string...
Read "unitytips: String interpol..."
When you have a single line method, you can use expression body definition do simplify and reduce the lines of code: Expression body definitions for methods and read-only properties are supported starting with C# 6. Expression body definitions for constructors, finalizers, property accessors, and indexers are supported starting with C#...
Read "unitytips: Expression body..."
Performing a profiler in the queries sended to the database you can see that in some cases Dapper is sending the string arguments as NVARCHAR (4000). Introduction This happen because Dapper cannot infer what is the exactly type and length of the table column on database. The downside of the...
Read "Dapper and the NVARCHAR(4000) ar..."
The short answer NO! The long answer The Azure Service Bus maximum message size is 256 KB for Standard tier and 1 MB for Premium tier ( A simple solution to overcome this limitation is split the messages in blocks lower or equal to 256 KB size. Below is a...
Read "Can I send batch messages larger..."
In this post I will show how to deploy a T4 Template to a target project using a NuGet package built with dotnet CLI pack command. Introduction Recently I had to distribute a T4 template inside a NuGet package, so developers who installed the NuGet package would get, in addition...
Read "Deploying a T4 Template with dot..."
Phi Dinh remembered a Twitter moment with tips and tutorials about the shaders used on Recompile. (Recompile Unity Tips and Tutorials). Thomas Krogh-Jacobsen wrote a blog post about Unity 2019.2 release. This version has more than 170 new features. (Here’s what’s in the brand-new Unity 2019.2). Screen.cutouts for iOS/Android, Burst...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
Some days ago a coworker asked me what I thought about wich status code a web api should return and if there are some good pratices to follow. When he asked this, I remembered that I’ve followed some good pratices, most of them based on my emperical knowledge of years...
Read "Developing Web APIs - Good Pract..."
Last saturday I created the ToastyNotification package, a fun editor log interceptor that play Mortal Kombat’s Toasty easter-egg every time an error is logged. Setup Just install the ToastyNotification.package from the repository release page. Now every time your game raise an error on Unity’s editor console log, the Toasty Notifcation...
Read "Unity Toasty Notification"