Scientific papers using GeneticSharp (october 2023)

Another round with the newest scientific papers using GeneticSharp. Visualization of the process of solving selected optimization problems using genetic algorithms Abstract: This thesis describes the process of developing an interactive tool for visualization of the process of solving selected optimization problems using genetic algorithms. The theoretical part provides an...
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Scientific papers using GeneticSharp (september 2022)

In September 2022 I discovered (TBH, Google Scholar notified me) that five new scientific papers using GeneticSharp have been developed. Below you can appreciate them: An Application-Oriented Cyber-Physical Production Optimisation System Architecture for the Steel Industry Abstract: The new generation of steelworks shaped by Industry 4.0 are digitized, networked, flexible...
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GeneticSharp v3.0.0 - .NET 6

I’ve just released the GeneticSharp version 3.0.0. .NET 6 With version 3.0.0, GeneticSharp now supports .NET 6. Performance improvements The performance of many operations has been improved just for use .NET 6: Chromosomes Crossovers Task executors Mutations Randomizations Reinsertions Selections Terminations More about performance: Streamlining namespaces To avoid the...
Read "GeneticSharp v3.0.0 - .NET 6"


On June 14th I released my newest solo game called “NO MORE ROOM IN HELL”. You can download it for Windows, MacOS, Linux or play directly on browser from its page: What is it? A 2D top-down survival shooter game where you will be a rookie soldier in...
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Puzzimals on

Now you can play my game Puzzimals directly in the browser through What is Puzzimals? Don’t let the cute look or super fun animations fool you, Puzzimals is a cube-matching game challenging you to match identical tiles in 100 levels of thought-provoking puzzles in a world map. Packed...
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Introduction If you already worked on a project where the data access solution has used SQL commands, instead of some ORM solution, you probably saw some SQL commands inserted directly inside the C# code. I worked on projects with that approach too, but I saw a great problem with that:...
Read "SqlAsFile"

Unity 2020.2: What's new

Unity 2020.2 The Unity 2020.2 was official release on December 15, 2020 with a lot of fixes, API changes, changes, improvements and features. You can find the new features directly on the Unity manual accessing this search: newin20202. To read all items, access the complete release notes. Stats Fixes: 828...
Read "Unity 2020.2: What's new"

Unity 2020.1: What's new

Unity 2020.1 The Unity 2020.1 was official release on July 23, 2020 with a lot of fixes, API changes, changes, improvements and features. You can find the new features directly on the Unity manual accessing this search: newin20201. To read all items, access the complete release notes. Stats Fixes: 805...
Read "Unity 2020.1: What's new"

