Puzzimals: Open beta

After 4 months of work, I am finally starting the open beta of Puzzimals: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.diegogiacomelli.puzzimals Cute, but challenging! Don’t let the cute look or super fun animations fool you, Puzzimals is a cube-matching game challenging you to match identical tiles in 100 levels of thought-provoking puzzles in a world map....
Read "Puzzimals: Open beta"

unitytips: SettingsProvider

You can add a custom section to Project Settings window that allows you to configure some global settings for your project using a SettingsProvider Setup You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: SettingsProvider"

unitytips: Social Share

Using Süleyman Yasir KULA Unity Native Share Plugin you can easily add native share to your Android/iOS games. I made the gist below that uses the plugin to add a social share component to any game object. Code You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project...
Read "unitytips: Social Share"

unitytips: Dynamic Log

You can create a simple logging component to record logs from any UnityEvent and configure them directly in the editor: Code You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: Dynamic Log"

