Last saturday I created the ToastyNotification package, a fun editor log interceptor that play Mortal Kombat’s Toasty easter-egg every time an error is logged. Setup Just install the ToastyNotification.package from the repository release page. Now every time your game raise an error on Unity’s editor console log, the Toasty Notifcation...
Read "Unity Toasty Notification"
Kristin Stock published an amazing video about SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) in Unity. (Fluid Simulation / Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Unity). SIGGRAPH 2019 is taking place in Los Angeles, between July 28 and August 1. Unity has made a page where you can see the Unity’s presentations calendar (Unity at...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
In this post I will show how to use Cake to build and test a .NET Core project and then publish the results to SonarCloud. Introduction Cake (C# Make) is a cross-platform build automation system with a C# DSL for tasks such as compiling code, copying files and folders, running...
Read "Publishing a .NET Core project t..."
I created this window that extends the Unity 3D editor so you can preview the scenes by selecting them in the project window. Usage As can be seen from the video above the extension can be used in two ways after adding the Scene Preview window to the editor (via...
Read "unitytips: Scene Preview W..."
Stephen Palmer presented the preview of Addressables, the Unity new system for editor and runtime asset management. (Addressable Asset System). What we found when talking to developers about their experience using Asset Bundles was that almost everyone doing so successfully were more or less writing the same high level systems...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
I started a series of posts about some outstanding scientific papers and projects using GeneticSharp. For this fourth post the chosen one is the Design of a Warehouse Order Picking Policy - Using Genetic Algorithm. Introduction The main motivation of the author about this paper was: improving order-picking process is...
Read "GeneticSharp in the Wild: ..."
You can show the game objects icons in hierarchy window using EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent Code You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer The icons used in the video are Font Awesome icons and I used to convert them to .png. Remember that...
Read "unitytips: Hierarchy Windo..."
Alexander Ameye made a tutorial about edge detection shaders with Shader Graph and how to use some Lightweight Rendering Pipeline customization to generate DepthNormals (Edge Detection Shader). Cyan made a blog post about Render Textures and how to read them in a C# script (Render Textures). Render Textures are stored...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
The GeneticSharp 2.6.0 is out. Blazor template Now we have 4 dotnet new templates, besides the GeneticSharpConsoleApp, GeneticSharpTspConsoleApp and GeneticSharpTspUnity3d already existent, a new template for a Blazor client app was added: GeneticSharpTspBlazorApp: dotnet new -i GeneticSharp.Templates dotnet new GeneticSharpTspBlazorApp -o TspBlazorApp cd TspBlazorApp dotnet run If you want to...
Read "GeneticSharp 2.6.0 - Blazor temp..."
In this post I will show how to use GeneticSharp and Blazor to solve the TSP (Travelling salesman problem). Introduction According to Wikipedia The travelling salesman problem (TSP) asks the following question:“Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route...
Read "TSP with GeneticSharp and Blazor"