Sebastian Lague made an ecosystem simulation with foxes and rabbits in Unity3d (Coding Adventure: Simulating an Ecosystem). Marius Horga wrote an overview about Metal 3 (Introducing Metal 3). Metal 3 was announced last week at WWDC 2019. Apple presented it along with relevant numbers: Metal can now make 100 times...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
Recently I built a small tool to read the text of thousands of images. Introduction A common technique to extract text from images is know as OCR (Optical character recognition) and the best implementation, that I Know, is called Tesseract. When a I started to build the tool, I used...
Read "Using Tesseract 4 with C#"
You can create a context menu for any component using the "CONTEXT/<component>/<menu name>" on a MenuItem attribute:
You can easily import this gist directly into your Unity 3D project using the Gist Importer
Read "unitytips: MenuItem "CONTE..."
Toulouse de Margerie wrote a post about how Unity natively maintains frame rates an how to make Unity follow a precise frame rate (Precise frame rates in Unity). Normally, out of the box, a Unity project will attempt to run your project as fast as possible. Frames will be rendered...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
I’ve coded an EditorWindow to create an AnimationCurve using easing functions that define how much a value changes over time. $# Introduction There are many classic easing functions, such as: InQuad, OutElastic, InOutSin, and InOutBounce. All of these are functions that have a time input parameter and a return value...
Read "Easing2Curve: An editor wi..."
The importance of game prototype Several famous books and game designers cite how the prototyping phase of a new game project is an important time to lay out the foundations that will guide the whole game structure during its development project and, as well, to experiment with concepts and ideas...
Read "Evolution (or from prototype to ..."
I decided to start a series of posts about some outstanding scientific papers and projects using GeneticSharp. For this first post the chosen one is the AeroVision - Aircraft Trajectories Optimization and Visualization. Introduction The main motivation of the authors about the AeroVision was: build program that represents an innovative...
Read "GeneticSharp in the Wild: ..."
When I was reading about the Sprite Mask on Unity Manual, I questioned my self "How long does it take to create a flashlight effect using the Sprite Mask?". The answer is: less than 2 minutes. You can check this by watching the video tutorial that I made showing how...
Read "Using a Sprite Mask to create a ..."
Nick Davis wrote a post about how Unity recently teamed up with Autodesk and Texel Logic to create a mixed-reality experience to illustrate and understand the complex nature of airflow passing over and around an IndyCar (Simulating high-speed IndyCars in AR). Sykoo, online evangelist for Unity, published a video showing...
Read "Unity and Game Development links..."
I created an AssetPostProcessor and an EditorWindow to validate if assets are in the right folder and help the Unity projects to keep organized. Introduction There are many ways to structure folders in a Unity project, but most common ones are cited by the Unity Learn tutorial: Large Project Organisation:...
Read "Using an AssetPostprocessor + Ed..."