unitytips Museum
I recently started studying Blazor and last weekend I created this simple app that I called: #unitytips Museum, a collection of best #unitytips. You can access it directly in my site, in this url: http://diegogiacomelli.com.br/apps/unitytips-museum The #unitytips collection Every week all #unitytips retweeted by @unity3d will be included to the...
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Unity and Game Development links (July 1st 2019)
Unity released a YouTube tutorial about how to create a portal effect in Lightweight Render Pipeline with Shader Graph (Making Portals with Shader Graph in Unity! (Tutorial)). Dilmer Valecillos posted a video on augmented reality while implementing a dragging feature with ray-casting (AR Foundation with Unity3d and Adding Dragging Functionality...
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Unity and Game Development links (June 24th 2019)
Sykoo made a video about the Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh (Buried Memories: Serekh – New HDRP Asset Pack for Unity! (Overview)). Jean-Christophe Cimetiere wrote a post about how to use Unity as a library inside other apps (Add features powered by Unity to native mobile apps). Unity 2019.3 will...
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Unity and Game Development links (June 17th 2019)
Sebastian Lague made an ecosystem simulation with foxes and rabbits in Unity3d (Coding Adventure: Simulating an Ecosystem). Marius Horga wrote an overview about Metal 3 (Introducing Metal 3). Metal 3 was announced last week at WWDC 2019. Apple presented it along with relevant numbers: Metal can now make 100 times...
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Unity and Game Development links (June 10th 2019)
Toulouse de Margerie wrote a post about how Unity natively maintains frame rates an how to make Unity follow a precise frame rate (Precise frame rates in Unity). Normally, out of the box, a Unity project will attempt to run your project as fast as possible. Frames will be rendered...
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Unity and Game Development links (June 3th 2019)
Nick Davis wrote a post about how Unity recently teamed up with Autodesk and Texel Logic to create a mixed-reality experience to illustrate and understand the complex nature of airflow passing over and around an IndyCar (Simulating high-speed IndyCars in AR). Sykoo, online evangelist for Unity, published a video showing...
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Unity and Game Development links (May 24th 2019)
Kristin Stock posted a video about how she is procedurally generating cities using Subdivsion in Unity. Dave Hunt and Yang-Hai Eakes made an introduction for the Animation Rigging preview package for Unity 2019.1. Set up procedural motion on animated skeletons at runtime. You can use a set of predefined animation...
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dotnet new templates for GeneticSharp
Now GeneticSharp has a NuGet package called GeneticSharp.Templates, this package allows you to install GeneticSharp templates using the dotnet new command. Installing the GeneticSharp.Templates Before you can use the dotnet new command to create the GeneticSharp projects from templates, you need to install it on your machine: dotnet new -i...
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GeneticSharp v2.4.0 - New crossovers and TPL implementations
The GeneticSharp v2.4.0 is out. The additions of this version are the two new crossovers implementations and a new option of ITaskExecutor that use TPL. Crossovers Alternating-position (AP) The alternating position crossover operator (Larrañaga et al. 1996a) simply creates an offspring by selecting alternately the next element of the first...
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GeneticSharp v2.2.0 - Sudoku sample
The GeneticSharp v2.2.0 is out. The additions of this version are the new whole sample and extensions showing how to use GeneticSharp to solve a Sudoku. The GeneticSharp.Extensions project receive those new features: Multiple MultipleChromosome Compound chromosome to artificially increase genetics diversity by evolving a list of chromosomes instead of...
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