unitytips: Sprites Collection

Sometimes we have related sprites that can be used in a prefab, like sprites for the environment, props, and scenario. Would be cool if we can easily swap them directly on the prefab without need to find and set the sprite directly in the SpriteRenderer component? SpritesCollection component I created...
Read "unitytips: Sprites Collection"

unitytips: Editor Coroutines

Recently, I was doing a small experiment trying to run an CHIP-8 emulator inside the Unity Editor inspector window and for that I needed to update from times to time the inspector. Initially I tried to use EditorApplication.update, but as it is only called when something changes in the inspector,...
Read "unitytips: Editor Coroutines"

unitytips: Focused Inspector

Starting in Unity 2020.1, you can add a dedicated inspector window for a specific GameObject, Component, or Asset. It always displays the properties of the item you opened it for, even if you select something else in the editor. To activate a Focused Inspector, select an item (GameObject, Component, or...
Read "unitytips: Focused Inspector"

Unity 2020.1: What's new

Unity 2020.1 The Unity 2020.1 was official release on July 23, 2020 with a lot of fixes, API changes, changes, improvements and features. You can find the new features directly on the Unity manual accessing this search: newin20201. To read all items, access the complete release notes. Stats Fixes: 805...
Read "Unity 2020.1: What's new"

